ACBNY Virtual Convention Vendor Registration Form

September 1, 2020
Greetings from ACBNY. We are writing to tell you good news. This year we will be celebrating fifty years of advocating and supporting New Yorkers who are blind with our first virtual convention. The dates are October 16 and 17, 2020.

Celebrating Fifty years is a milestone event for us, and with the assistance of ACB Radio staff, we are going ahead with two days of live streaming despite physical distancing limitations. Keeping this in mind, we want to invite your business to participate. We would love to have you record a brief message no longer than 5 minutes with information about your company’s services/products, and please provide your contact information. Your message will be played during the program breaks on Friday or Saturday afternoon. Because we are not charging vendors a registration fee, we ask that you consider sponsoring ACBNY with a donation of any amount.

We are also offering organizational memberships to community partners, and would like to contact you about it. To register and submit your recording, please fill out the form.

Ann Chiappetta
ACBNY Convention Chair